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Humanise The Numbers
The Culture and Purpose Series
Throughout the course of the Humanise The Numbers podcast we have talked to accountants from all backgrounds, firm sizes and specialities. We have also spoken to authors, thought leaders and experts in the field.
In this Culture and Purpose Series you'll hear the stories of these people - you'll hear what got them to where they are, about the tech that has changed the way they work and the systems and processes that have had profound and long lasting effect on the way their firms and businesses run. Most significantly you'll learn about the ways they work with their teams and internal stakeholders to build the culture and purpose of their firms.
These conversations dive into the detail to reveal the benefits (and challenges) associated with defining the purpose of the work you do and how that feeds into the culture of your firm - and that of all your clients too.
On each episode page there are contact details for the guests so if any of these have inspired you, just drop them a line. All of them have agreed to make their contact info available and are willing to receive messages or connections from the podcast listeners.
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