If you - as a leader of a team, a department, your Listen here...
Humanise The Numbers
The Professional Associate Series
Throughout the course of the Humanise The Numbers podcast we have talked to accountants from all backgrounds, firm sizes and specialities. We have also spoken to authors, thought leaders and experts in the field.
In this Professional Associate Series you'll hear from the people and organisations that work with accoutnancy firms to support their work in a professional capacity - using their expertise and areas of specialism to help ambitious accountants build better firms.
On each episode page there are contact details for the guests so if any of these have inspired you, just drop them a line. All of them have agreed to make their contact info available and are willing to receive messages or connections from the podcast listeners.
Stop thinking that return on investment is what drives the financial performance Listen here...
I recently had the great privilege of spending an hour with a Listen here...
It's not often you get the chance to chew the fat with Listen here...
Have you ever wondered how you can build greater capacity into your Listen here...
When you unpack the value and the importance of your team's connection Listen here...
What happens when you put two business leaders, both of whom serve Listen here...
Several themes consistently crop up across the Humanise the Numbers podcast.One of Listen here...
One of your firm’s greatest challenges and, arguably, one of the areas Listen here...
Would you, as a leader or manager of an accounting firm, sit Listen here...
How do you set work and life boundaries, not just for yourself, Listen here...
It can often feel like pushing water uphill when it comes to Listen here...
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