May 22, 2024

Episode 109: Neil Parsons, Managing Director UK&I, Wolters Kluwer

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The Story

Sometimes the work we do is a real privilege, especially when we are able to have a deep discussion about what it means to humanise the numbers with someone who's qualified as a chartered accountant, has loved his time in practice, put his hand up for everything he could possibly put his hand up for, but who moved on (because he didn't like the geography) into Sage to do a tech support role, then into sales with Wolters Kluwer, ending up as Managing Director of UK and Ireland.

That person is Neil Parsons.

In this podcast, we discuss the relevance of the right numbers for the right person in the context of the strategic key results of the business. And building those bridges and ensuring that there's a metronomic cadence to communicating the right numbers to the right people in the right way is as relevant to clients as it is to team members.

And that's what struck me in this podcast – that relevance to both groups. I hope you find this podcast discussion with Neil as valuable, informative and insightful as I did.

Please scroll down this episode page for the contact information for Neil and for the additional, downloadable resources mentioned in the podcast.

The Solution:

I think the biggest challenge that all practices face today is that you have got to prove your worth, and I don't think we need to go out there jumping around trying to differentiate ourselves.

But I think, for good and bad, the cloud or even the software industry has produced good products for small businesses that sometimes weaken the position of our practices in the UK today.

And I think the biggest challenge is probably also the biggest opportunity because all of us will pay more for the right advice, the right service and the right value proposition. And I think the race to the bottom for compliance work probably went a while ago because at that point we weren't seeing our profession adding much advisory to their toolkit, they were just cranking the compliance engine. So then if one firm will do it for £500 and the next firm will do it for £200 and we're getting the same result, then we will vote with our feet.

But as I said to you before, my accountant's not the cheapest, but I think he's one of the best. I think I can talk to him about anything, I can get advice about things and that's where the value proposition comes in.





Connect with Paul

Resources relating to this podcast:

During this podcast, Paul and Neil discuss the importance of open and honest conversations with your team and your clients, not being afraid to ask challenging questions and call out the behaviours of others.

Neil also places value on feedback, both giving it and asking for it – he believes that everyone should be okay with receiving and requesting feedback. He recognises that conversations like this are not necessarily easy to have, but he believes that when you have them, you create a culture of honesty and trust.

Are you having these conversations in your firm?

The outcome of these crucial conversations can have a significant and long-lasting impact on the individuals involved, on the team and on the firm. The quality of the results you achieve and the relationships you enjoy are determined by your skills in managing these crucial moments.

For more information on how to manage these crucial conversations, please click the button below to read the Business Breakthrough report, 'Crucial Moments Decide'.

During this podcast, Paul mentions a book called Turn the Ship Around! A True Story of Building Leaders by Breaking the Rules, by David Marquet. Paul relates it to having 'I intend to' conversations and stresses the importance of getting everyone on the same boat so that, as a firm, you can set a great goal.

If you want to access this book, click the button below.

Neil also mentions a business they've worked with, WILL IT MAKE THE BOAT GO FASTER?, and the value of an evidence board and little wins when it comes to setting and achieving goals.

Click the button below for the website for this business.

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