How do you reorganise a team of 50 accounts production people so that they become more focused, build knowledge and skill in a faster, better way and feel a greater sense of 'connectedness' across the firm?
In this podcast discussion with Jason Appel of BKL, a large North London firm, Jason shares insights on the culture of their firm, how they've reorganised this large team of 50 into sets of pods and the positive impact the reorganisation has created across the firm.
You’ll also hear Jason and me chewing over the current dilemmas and considerations for accountancy firms around returning to the office.
I hope you enjoy the podcast.The Solution:
"[Asking questions without thinking of solutions] - I think people tend to do that when it's very busy, very stressful.
"People inundate their line managers or supervisors or seniors with problems - this isn't working, that isn't working and without saying "Oh, hang on - why isn't it working? What do I need? How can I solve it?
"Which is the solution because the person themselves can always solve it much better than I can "
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Resources relating to this podcast:
Business Breakthrough Report
Hiring Superstars For Your Firm
Turn The Ship Around
Business Breakthrough Report