August 20, 2021

Episode 27: Sian Kelly of Inform Accounting

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The Story

How do you grow an accounting firm from £Zero to a £1million in 10 years and then set about growing the £1million turnover firm that you've now got into a £2million turnover firm in the next five years or less?

Well, according to Sian Kelly, what you do and what she has done is put client experience and client care front and central in everything this firm does.

And every improvement that this firm makes is towards improving that client care.

I hope you enjoy the podcast

The Solution:

" I trained with Disney and I was what they call a cultural representative. It was an amazing experience and the ultimate customer service training.
"The first thing they did was to send us on a two week long intensive cultural representative program where they taught you about customer service, dealing with customers and interpersonal skills.

"And I'll never forget. They had a statue of Snow White stood there with the arms folded and the course leader said " How does that make you feel?" They taught you a lot about body language and basics.  It drilled into us the need to put ourselves in our customers shoes and then think how to behave, react or respond to them"




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Resources relating to this podcast:

Business Breakthrough Report

Good Strategy For Your Firm


Good Strategy

 Bad Strategy

Richard Rumelt

Business Breakthrough Report

Client Experience First

Business Breakthrough Report

Effortless Client Care

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