December 14, 2020

Episode 5: Kathryn Wellum-Kent of Monahans

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The Story

Have you ever wondered how to get more production out of your production team?

What I mean by that is have you ever wondered how to better help your production team turn out more sets of accounts, more VAT returns, more management accounts in any given time, even if they're working remotely part of the time, or maybe even if they're working remotely all of the time.

In this podcast interview I'm talking with Kat Wellum-Kent of multi-partner multi office firm Monahans, down in the Southwest of the UK and Kat with her 45 strong production team have started a number of initiatives to do just that.

I really liked the buddy system that Kat talks about on the podcast, as well as the different career paths she creates depending on the natural preferences, natural tendencies, natural skills and personalities that go with her team.

The Solution:

Humans are complex, aren't they,  lots of different things that go into making them who they are.
And it might be introversion, extroversion - it might be that they are more numbers focussed or they're more verbal or whatever it is, and all of those things blend together.

It's about matching that blend with the right role. That's going to suit them the best because then everyone wins.




Connect with Kathryn Wellum-Kent

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