June 22, 2021

Humanise the Numbers with Paul Shrimpling and Doug Aitken [ACCA Strategy Series 1/5]

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The Story

Is it worth the time, the effort, the energy in talking strategy in an accounting firm?

Well, this was a question posed to me by ACCA.

So, on this podcast you'll hear Douglas Aitken, a colleague of mine, and I talk about the core elements of strategy and how those core elements can deliver a true return on investment for you and your firm.

This is podcast 1 of 5 in the ACCA Strategy Series.

The Solution:

"It's been proven in numerous studies that businesses with a really strong sense of purpose grow exponentially faster than those that are just commercially led.

"I think a better way to describe it might be a North Star. It's always there. It's in the sky forever. And any doubt about where we're going, let's find the North Star again and that then provides a really interesting reference point for decision-making."





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