Connect with Vipul
1. Listen to Humanise The Numbers with Vipul Sheth and discover how to free up capacity and improve workflow in your firm.
2. Identify the advisory people and the compliance people within your team - both have equal value. Identifying an individual's strengths helps streamline the workflow of your firm.
3. What is the value of a test drive? Demonstrate the value to your client of what you CAN deliver if they allow you to, and present them with the unexpected.
1. How do you streamline the accounts production workflow in your firm, so that you and your team have more time, enabling you to build stronger, more meaningful, more valuable relationships with your clients?
Listen to this review of a brilliant podcast with Vipul Sheth and then listen to the podcast to start delivering the results you really want for your firm.
2. What distinguishes the firms that are brilliant at implementing a better use of technology and processes from others? Vipul talks about delivering to your client, not just a set of accounts, but business intelligence, delivering Business KPIs as well as financial KPIs. Listen to this valuable insight at 12m49s.
3. When firms struggle for time and resource, they are often reluctant to search out technology to improve their situation. Often, the technology to standardise processes is already there but is not always used. At 23m16s, Vipul talks about the importance to any firm looking to increase capacity and improve workflow of implementing and standardising systems and processes by embracing the technology.
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Here is a soundbite of the interview with Vipul Sheth on Workflow