Episode 14: Jo Drinkwater of Grant McNight


Guest Details

Jo Drinkwater :CEO Grant McNight 


Grant McNight  West Midlands, UK

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Grant McNight

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Episode introduction copy

What would it be like knowing with absolute confidence in absolute certainty where you're taking your firm? What the vision of your firm is?

The goals that you've set for yourself.

Knowing with concrete certainty that you're going to get there.

In this discussion with Jo Drinkwater of Grant McKnight in the West Midlands, you'll see, hear, even feel Jo's confidence and certainty about the future of her business and her team and the work she's doing with her clients.

You'll get a sense of her zeal and enthusiasm and joy of running her relatively new business.

And hopefully be inspired by that energy and get something of real value from this discussion.

So please join me on this podcast and meet Jo Drinkwater and feed off the enthusiasm and zeal she's got for the profession for her team and for her customers.


Tweets For This Episode 

1.Listening to "Humanise the Numbers with Jo Drinkwater of Grant McNight " at https://humanisethenumbers.online/episode-14-jo-drinkwater-of-grant-mcknight/

2.Networking is free marketing - or is it? Listen to how it's working for Jo Drinkwater at Grant McNight   https://humanisethenumbers.online/episode-14-jo-drinkwater-of-grant-mcknight/

3.Here's an ambitious 10 year plan from an inspiring CEO of a firm that launched less than 18 months ago. Jo Drinkwater of Grant McNight has big big plans.  Check in at about 14 mins to hear what she's got to say...   https://humanisethenumbers.online/episode-14-jo-drinkwater-of-grant-mcknight/

4.Jo Drinkwater of Grant McNight was formally a FD for Goodyear Dunlop - she's now running her own firm with a team of 10 after just 18 months and shares her plans to become the goto accountancy firm for compliance, FD and advisory services not just in the UK but globally.  It's a fasincating story ...   https://humanisethenumbers.online/episode-14-jo-drinkwater-of-grant-mcknight/

LinkedIn Posts For This Episode

1 How do you get from 0 to 150 clients from startup in 15 months, during a pandemic and with only family members in your team.  Jo Drinkwater of Grant McNight did just this - listen in to this podcast where Paul Shrimpling of Remarakable Practice is talking to Jo and hear how it's working for her.


2.Jo Drinkwater of Grant McNight set up her firm in October 2019 and in the next 10 years has big plans, big plans in the UK and big plans globally - listen in from 14mins 33s to this podcast with Paul Shrimpling of Remarkable Practice to hear about her vision...


3. Jo Drinkwater of Grant McNight talks with Paul Shrimpling of Remarkable Practice on the Humanise The Numbers podcast about how she's going to grow her advisory clients from 2 to 20 in the next 12 months at an average fee of £36k 

4. In this engaging discussion for the Humanise the Numbers podcast with Paul Shrimpling you'll hear Jo Drinkwater of Grant McNight shareing candidly about the impact covid has had on her own client base, the changes she's had to make to implementing her own business plan because of it and what she predicts for these clients in the future.  

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