Episode 16: Neil Ballard and Rachel Barry of Lewis Ballard


Guest Details

Rachel Barry : Client Account Manager

Neil Ballard: Owner

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Lewis Ballard

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How do you, as a firm end up with a culture where everyone within the firm holds everyone else to account for the standards of the work they do and the way they behave.?

It's not just a top down accountability.

It's top down, bottom up, side to side accountability because everyone has that drive and enthusiasm and verve for achieving performance standards and behavioral standards that everyone in the firm holds dear.

Join Paul Shrimpling on this podcast interview with Neil Ballard and Rachel Barry of Lewis Ballard, a 24 person, two office firm in South Wales.
Neil and Rachel also happen to be father and daughter. 

Hear exactly how they have created this culture of accountability thanks to some monthly routines around team feedback.

Hear also about the impact 360 degree feedback has had on Neil, the managing director and how they connect in a stronger, deeper, more emotionally, valuable way with their clients because of their approach to a communication strategy, which I think you'll find fascinating.

Tweets For This Episode 

1.Listening to "Humanise the Numbers with Neil Ballard and Rachel Barry of Lewis Ballard  https://humanisethenumbers.online/episode-16-neil-ballard-and-rachel-barry/

2.  Listen in to @shrimpers, Neil Ballard and Rachel Barry discussing the ups and downs of working in a family business and how it doesn't mean you get an easy ride...   https://humanisethenumbers.online/episode-16-neil-ballard-and-rachel-barry/

3 On this Humanise The Numbers podcast Neil Ballard and Rachel Barry share how accountability is the very life blood of this business that has built a powerful and super strong team.


4. In this 24 person, 2 office firm in South Wales Neil Ballard and Rachel Barry talk e to @shrimpers about a colour coding system that drives how they communicate with each other… and their clients.


LinkedIn Posts For This Episode

1 On the Humanise The Numbers podcast this week, you’ll hear a discussion Paul Shrimpling of Remarkable Practice recently had with Neil and Rachel of Lewis Ballard that made crystal clear their purpose and approach to not only helping their business owner clients, but also developing each and every one of their team https://humanisethenumbers.online/episode-16-neil-ballard-and-rachel-barry/

2.In this fascinating conversation with Neil Ballard owner and MD at Lewis Ballard and his daughter Rachel Barry client manager they share some brilliant insights into human behaviour and how understanding the make-up of their clients (and team) can reap great rewards in building relationships at all levels.  https://humanisethenumbers.online/episode-16-neil-ballard-and-rachel-barry/

3. How do you communicate the same information to different team members and clients based on what you know of their personality.  Rachel Barry of Lewis Ballard is in conversation with Paul Shrimping and shares some brilliant insights and tips on why some emails work for some people and not for others.  Listen in here at   https://humanisethenumbers.online/episode-16-neil-ballard-and-rachel-barry/

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