Episode 27: Sian Kelly of Inform Accounting Resources


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How do you grow an accounting firm from £Zero to a £1million in 10 years and then set about growing the £1million turnover firm that you've now got into a £2million turnover firm in the next five years or less?

Well, according to Sian Kelly, what you do and what she has done is put client experience and client care front and central in everything this firm does.

And every improvement that this firm makes is towards improving that client care.

Tweets For This Episode 

1.  Listening to @shrimpers talking with Sian Kelly of @Inform_Accounts   https://humanisethenumbers.online/episode-27-sian-kelly-of-inform-accounting/

ii) How does a non-accountant sell accountancy services?  Listen in at 15m03s to hear Sian Kelly's take on this...


iii) How can processes and systems ensure the best client care?  Sian Kelly explains (30m22s) what happens in her firm @Inform_Accounts


iv) Are you marketing your firm to clients or prospective employees?  Hear more from @shrimpers and Sian of @inform_accounts on this ((45m36s)  https://humanisethenumbers.online/episode-27-sian-kelly-of-inform-accounting/

LinkedIn Posts For This Episode

1.Here's Paul Shrimpling sharing the review of his conversation with Sian Kelly of Inform Accounting

(embed this video) https://vimeo.com/577578111

2. In this discussion with Sian Kelly of Inform Acconting you'll hear Paul Shrimpling asking her about her ambitions and goals and why she wants to grow her firm from £1million to £2million in the next five years.  You'll also hear Sian's response when Paul asks if this is ambitious enough given what's already in place in the firm. This part of the conversation happens at 22m 38s but to hear the background to Sian's story and thinking listen in from the start.

3.The customer care that Sian Kelly applies in her firm is on a truly world class level - in fact in this podcast you'll hear her sharing where she got her training and why it's utterly relevant in her firm where customer service comes before accountancy.


4. Marketing your firm for prospective clients is one thing but marketing your firm to attract the best talent around is another.  Or is it?  In this brilliant conversation between Sian Kelly of Inform Accounting and Paul Shrimpling you'll hear them uncover the approach all firms must adopt to engage brilliant people and encourage them to want to work with you at your firm.  This part of the conversation happens from around 45m 30s.


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